Architect + Designer...

Jeanna George, Principal Designer and Visionary of Jeanna George Designs, is an innovative force in the design world who enjoys the art of living, and through her diverse artistic background has developed into a lifestyle designer.

JEANNA believes,"to design a home is to design an expression of you. No matter the size or place of your dwelling, it is your sacred refuge and should be a place for truly living. Each design process is a unique experience for each individual and your uniqueness should be reflected in the personalized expression of your environment." Known for designing organic, modern, polished spaces with a precise, considered approach, Jeanna's interiors incorporate unexpected elements, purity of materials along with custom designed details that are timeless. While Jeanna has Atlanta roots, she also has a Chicago flair that is perfect for keeping current while doting on her 22-year old son.

Adding to the list of being a designer and a mom, Jeanna is also an industry mentor. Often she shares the creative MUSES that inspire her various design concepts all while ceasing mentoring moments with professionals and design enthusiasts. The most enriching mentoring experience lately has spawned a series of "Discovering Design" lectures, workshops and classes chartered for the young inspiring middle and high school designers of the future. Jeanna’s love of working with the young designer has led to her involvement as Co-Director with NOMA Atlanta, implementing the connection with Middle School students and their interest in Architecture through NOMA Atlanta's program “Project Pipeline”.

Jeanna's creative background began at an early age with her intense studies in dance at the Atlanta School of Ballet. Her professional dance experiences throughout her life are the beginning roots behind her creative ability to incorporate a fluidity into the personalized concepts and details of every client's space. Her passion for creativity and design led her to attaining a Bachelors of Architecture degree from Hampton University in Hampton, VA. She continued her studies in Interior Design at a master's level from Virginia Commonwealth University of Richmond, VA.

After working for architecture and interior design firms in Virginia Beach, Chicago and Atlanta, Jeanna now owns and operates her Residential Architecture and Interior Design firm as well as her online boutique “JG Collective”.

My goal is to design a space you will love! my mantra is to